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Hey! Have you ever wondered what makes a news story newsworthy? Well there are seven qualities that make the news news. 1. Timeliness:...

Chapter 6 Vocab

Hey this post is a review of chapter 6 vocab. I will post the term along with the definition and a picture. Audio Mixer: A piece of...

Flashback Friday

This week we watched a video about sound and how it is used in film taking notes. we also read an article about sound design. Now we are...

Tech Job Tuesdays

AD Production manager: oversees how advertisements are placed in websites, television ads, newspapers, films or magazines. Requirements:...

Motivational Monday

1:Prove them wrong: If you can set your mind to it you can do anything and don't let people tell you that you can't do anything. 2:Don't...

Flashback Friday

This week we finished shooting and editing our videos on cuts and transitions for our video projects. My video project continues our...

Flashback Friday

This week we learned about the video editing process and the terms professionals use. There are two types of editing systems, the first...

How To Summarize a Paragraph

Qualities of a summary: Make the summary clear to someone who hasn't seen the material that is being summarized. Include the author's...

Flashback Friday

This week we created videos using the different shot types. I made a video about a nice bully that ties the bullied kids shoe. We then...

Tech Job Tuesdays

Actor/ Actress 1: Bucket Race Actor/ Actress 2: The Hangout Need actors for scavenger hunts The skills that I can bring to the table are...

Word Wall Wednesday

Arc: Moving the camera in a curved truck around the main subject in the shot-the main subject never leaves the frame of the picture. Arc...

Tech Job Tuesdays

Accountant: glassdoor Accountant: glassdoor Similarities: have to be able to work with other people, requires a bachelor's degree, don't...

Flashback Friday!

This week we learned how to use a camera and the equipment. We first learned about the different types of camera shots and camera...

Tech Gear Thursday

Aabeloy camcorder with lcd screen and microphone Price:$90 This is a great camcorder that is easy to use for first timers because it has...

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